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  • Elevating Above Epilepsy Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization that is founded for the benefit of children suffering with Epilepsy or other similar childhood illnesses and the families that support them.  We've evolved out of the personal and somewhat publicized experiences of living with, supporting, and advocating for a child with Epilepsy (which can be a possibly fatal and is a potentially debilitating illness).


  • Our organization is built on the understanding that Epilepsy and other diseases or illnesses like it can affect a child's ability to live fully in many ways and can also take a serious toll on a parent and family unit. We bear witness to the fact that family, friends, and community matter especially when it comes to support, and we embrace the “it takes a village” concept wholeheartedly.  Having this understanding based on experiences and having a support system showed us how fortunate we were to have the resources that we did. 


  • We are still blessed to have our “village” and we formed this organization to bring that experience to other families that have children suffering from childhood illness of Epilepsy and the like.  Our organization is made up of family and community leaders who understand the importance and necessity of giving back and community outreach.  We want to partner and associate with those community members and organizations who are like-minded. 


  • As a non profit foundation we believe there’s hardly anything better than being able to bring a community together for a cause and for the enjoyment and benefit of all involved.  Our organization will be the bridge that connects community members and community organizations for the benefit of positive and progressive community development. We not only work for the cause and the support of those suffering from childhood epilepsy and similar childhood illnesses, we also work to bring together community service organizations and other non profits of all kinds.  We ultimately want to make the world a better place! No matter how the world has evolved we believe by bringing people and groups together in partnership we can all win.


  • Along with our mission and reasons for founding, we intend to be an organization that forms partnerships bring awareness to many other community concerns and challenges. Elevating Above Epilepsy Foundation sees the changing world and its clear path forward is collaboration for a cause.  Our overall cause being making our community and ultimately this world better. In essence, making the community or world the “village.”


  • As we plan meet ups, events, and fundraisers fusing family, friends, and fun, we hope that no matter what organization or community group you may belong to, you understand that when you partner and participate with US you are partnering and participating to make the world around you a better place.


  • Join us!  Click below for more information.

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